
About Engayge


Engayge will build on the success of PALSS’ Sext Talk Tours to build community, increase dialogue, and continue the conversation about sexual health among young gay and bisexual males in a fun and comfortable way.

The program will utilize live gatherings and social media platforms to educate young gay and bisexual males about sexual health and encourage them to engage in with testing and risk reduction education activities

Engayge staff work with a variety of community leaders and “gatekeepers” to identify hosts for Engayge gatherings. Hosts are asked to invite youth from their circle of friends and acquaintances.

Gatherings are initially private and held in hosts’ homes as PALSS builds the audience for Engayge.

Then, we transition to holding larger events in locations where young males gather.

These public sessions will be recorded with clips shared on YouTube. Engayge will also explore streaming select events live. Text messages, Facebook, Instagram and other social media will be used to promote events and keep the conversation going between gatherings.

Keep checking back as we develop a mobile application to direct gay and bisexual youth to community resources.

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