PALSS (PALSS) wants everyone to know their HIV status now. HIV/AIDS affects everyone in the community directly or indirectly. The numbers in the Palmetto state may surprise you. The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control estimates that more than 15,771 people were living with HIV/AIDS as of December 31, 2013. Richland and Charleston counties rank number one and two respectively.
On June 24th PALSS, the longest serving AIDS service organization in South Carolina, along with several community partners, participated in National HIV Testing Day 2014. This campaign helps reach millions of Americans at risk for HIV infection with the message to “Take the Test. Take Control.” In one day over 80 people were tested by PALSS, but if you missed it, staff is still available to help you.
Find out more about free and confidential HIV testing with results in as little as 10 minutes by calling 803-779-7257 or stopping by 2638 Two Notch Road, Suite 108 in Columbia.